Small steps → big changes.

Our process

Everything starts with a story

Establishing your motivations and the things that drive your plot forward is the first step to creating engaging communications.

  • Getting all the relevant info from your team—your audience, mission, values and anything else—to get everyone on the same page.

  • A collaborative session to explore your brand using the framework of a story structure, as well as the characteristics of your brand persona.

  • Assessing the landscape—other brands and organisations, visual trends and influences from art and culture.

Identity →

You know who you are. But does everyone else?

Your brand needs to look, sound and feel true to you.

  • Presenting a range of approaches at the start, to establish a shared sense of where the brand or campaign identity should be.

  • Refining and tweaking two options based on collective feedback.

  • Having agreed on a single approach, this stage is about the nuances and details, to result in the final visual elements of the identity.

Output →

How you reach your audience can take many forms, IRL and online, on the streets or in the shopping centre, on big screens and small.

  • Whether it’s a campaign or brand, you’ll get a kit of parts that build your identity—logos, fonts, colours, graphics and more—along with a guide on how to use them.

  • Graphics, illustrations, animations and easy-to-use templates to help you stand out on the feed.

  • From landing pages to fully fledged websites, to digital apps and products.

  • Getting that tactile feel that just hits different, whether it’s postcards, reports, booklets, publications or posters.

  • Making an impact in the physical world, on billboards, bus stops and bikes.

Questions about the process?
Fancy a chat?

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