Cards for Humanity

Campaign branding, copywriting, print, retail, illustration

Oxfam Unwrapped


Change is on the Cards

Oxfam’s Unwrapped card range needed a major overhaul to better communicate how they work with their partners.

Emphasising action, community and solidarity, the new gift cards speak to everyone’s role in making positive change: from the person buying the card, to the card’s recipient, to Oxfam’s community partners on the ground.


Illustrating solidarity

The campaign centres around the idea of mutual benefit represented by the cards. Purchasing a card from Oxfam Unwrapped makes you part of a reciprocal relationship with both the Oxfam project partner and the intended recipient of the card.

Brightly coloured cover illustrations and emotive headlines communicate a sentiment that resonates with the customer and their loved-ones, while depicting the project or action that each card funds.


Gifts that Give Back

The new cards emphasise the active change and positive outcomes enabled by the funds raised from purchasing each card.

Using vibrant illustrations and cutout photography of Oxfam’s partners, the inside of the cards celebrate the change makers transforming their communities, taking care to foreground their own agency as active collaborators working with Oxfam.

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